A love story set in the capital city of Brazil
In the Temple of Good Will, families from different beliefs celebrate a love story together
Jéssica Botelho
Thursday | October 15, 2015 | 1:36 PM | Last update: October 19, 2016, 11:13 AM (Brasilia time)
This is the love story of two Brazilian journalists who worked together for almost five years, but in different cities. She lived in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, and he lived in Brasília, capital city of Brazil (a distance of 735km). At first, they would keep in touch over the phone. “We used to have daily phone meetings to discuss assignments and news stories, since everything that was produced on the Minas Gerais government’s TV, everything that was relevant nationally, was sent to Brasília [to the federal government TV],” explains Mariana Bontempo Adaid about how she met Thiago Sousa Interaminense. From this professional relationship, their love story was being written, and Thiago invited her to meet him in person.
It was love at first sight, “I fell in love with him right away, and I never wanted to leave Brasília. We had a long distance relationship for five months. Then I decided to leave my job . . . and I moved in with Thiago,” says Mariana. Two happy years had passed by when they decided to get married and seal their union for life.
They then started looking for a place for the wedding ceremony that was to be held in the Brazilian capital city. Thiago is an agnostic and Mariana is a spiritualist. Where could they get married without leaving their convictions behind? That was when someone suggested that they should get married in the Temple of Good Will (TGW). People of all religious or non-religious traditions, philosophy, origin, or race can visit this ecumenical place without feeling embarrassed or excluded.

+ Get married in the Temple of Good Will; find out more!
“When I entered the Temple, I was sure that that was where I wanted to get married. . . . When I saw the Pyramid, I got to know the proposal of that place, where you walk bare-foot on the path [on the Spiral in the TGW’s Nave] to the center where there’s a crystal, the energy, the whole story, and I fell in love with it. I was absolutely certain that there was the right place,” Mariana described.
Thiago confirmed her choice when he remembered his impressions of the Temple of Peace, “I always used to pass in front of the TGW and I used to look at the Pyramid because it attracts a lot of attention, and I said to Mariana when we started dating: I’m going to take you there one day, Mariana!” What’s more, they have always had a passion for traveling, pyramids, and archaeology. Mariana also has a strong passion for crystals and the biggest pure crystal stone in the world can be found in the TGW. Thus, the decision was easily made.
They said “I do” on June 28, 2015, in a ceremony that brought together guests from various beliefs. When families from different religions get together because of the marriage of two people, respect for the beliefs of each one is fundamental to the success of the relationship. “This is a place that really does manage to welcome everybody. It was beautiful!” said Mariana.
For Thiago, getting married in the Temple of Good Will “was a great idea, because all our relatives, whether Protestants, Spiritists, or Catholics could be present. . . . Everything just fell into place: the Temple itself, which is beautiful—it is one of the prettiest Monuments here in Brasília—, our wish to get married, its architecture, our story. Everything just fell beautifully into place and that’s why we chose to get married there.”
You can also choose the TGW to celebrate your love story. Get married in the Temple of Good Will, located at 915 Asa Sul, Brasília/DF, Brazil. To book your ceremony and/or obtain further information, please call (+55 61) 3114-1070 or send an e-mail to fenix.eventos@terra.com.br.