Mission, vision, and values

By the Editorial Staff

Tuesday | December 23, 2014 | 11:22 AM | Last update: September 22, 2016, 4:07 PM (Brasilia time)

Leilla Tonin
Teresina, PI — Companheirismo e amizade expressos no olhar mostram um dos diferenciais da LBV: a formação intelectual de excelência com a reflexão e a vivência de valores éticos, ecumênicos e espirituais. 


To promote Social and Sustainable Development, Education, and Culture with Ecumenical Spirituality, so there may be Socio-environmental Awareness, Food, Security, Health, and Work for everyone, in the awakening of the Planetary Citizen.


To be recognized as an Organization that educates with all-encompassing Ecumenical Spirituality.


In a spirit of cooperation, the actions of the LBV are based on a special way of looking at the family and at its effective participation in society. All the initiatives seek to promote values born out of Universal Love, which prepare individuals to experience Ecumenical Citizenship through the full exercise of Planetary Solidarity, which brings together as one the beliefs, disbeliefs, traditions, ethnic groups or any other factor that separates human beings. To this end, the Organization is founded on the New Commandment of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, in other words Universal: “Love one another as I have loved you” (The Gospel according to John 13:34).