About us

The Good Will Portal is part of the Super Good Will Communications Network, which had its origin within the Brazilian radiobroadcasting environment, during the 1940s, and which grew to include the printed press, TV and the internet media. At the present time, this communication network has its own content, produced in seven countries, under the direction of the Institutions of Good Will (IBVs, in Portuguese), comprised of the Legion of Good Will (LBV) , the Religion of God and the José de Paiva Netto Foundation.

Communication in the world 
Boa Vontade TV: SKY cable TV — channel 20 
22 years of programing exemplifying Good practices

The IBVs’ concern about creating a powerful media devoted to communicating the ideals of Real Brotherhood, promoted its expansion. On March 25, 1995, the militant power, including young communicators, of the Good Will Communication gained even greater strength after accepting Paiva Netto’s challenge of bringing into existence the Operation Jesus. This action managed to unify and expand the range of the transmitters and had the goal to present the ecumenical character of Jesus, understood and analyzed by the IBVs as a solidary and vanguard reference that established innovations including in social communication, particularly in relation to respect, diversity and everyone’s right to have a voice. “When the Heavenly Thaumaturge told His Disciples ‘Go out and preach’, He did not order them only to talk to blacks, or only to those with white or yellow skin or of mixed-race, or to this or that nationality. No! He ordered that the ‘Kingdom of God be announced’ to everyone, to every creature. This proves that Jesus was ecumenical (concerned with carrying the Good word to every corner of the Earth). He did not regard any segment of the human race as being saved or lost. Each person defines himself in his own path,” affirms communicator Paiva Netto.

Also called the Portal of Ecumenical Spirituality*, the Good Will Portal was created during the very early days of the Internet’s implementation in Brazil at the initiative of the Head of the IBVs, Paiva Netto, in August 1996, with the LBV’s website (which was originally available both in Portuguese as well as English). In the following year (in February 1997), the programming of the Super Good Will Radio Network was added, with round-the-clock online transmission. On November 7, 2002, the Good Will Portal was launched. Other important dates marked this communication network: the launching of the GOOD WILL magazine in May 1956; the Jesus Está Chegando! [Jesus is Arriving!] magazine, in February 1982; round-the-clock programming of the Super Good Will Radio Network, in September 1992; and the programming of the Good Will TV channel, in 2000.

With the technological progress, the IBVs propose to present the Good Will ideals to the world and to offer people its contribution to greater dialogue between different cultural perspectives for the common good. The Good Will Portal is available in various languages (English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Esperanto), and there is also content in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian and Polish, as part of the expansion of its communication. 

Here, at the Good Will Portal, the Internet user has a voice and contributes to the production of the content of the websites, with opinions and suggestions of themes regarding topics that are of current interest. It has articles, videos and publications, which present the ideological content of the IBVs through the articles by journalist and writer Paiva Netto; the Legion of Good Will’s socio-educational activities in the world; the Super Good Will Communication Network’s round-the-clock programming in real time (audio in Portuguese); news about education, social responsibility and inclusion, family, health, science, the environment, themes that are always linked by the differential aspect of ecumenical spirituality; and much more. 

You are also part of this communication network. What would you like to see on our websites? Contribute by sharing Good News and inspiring ideas that make the world a better place! Be a Goodwill communicator. Write to us at english@boavontade.com and always feel welcome!

* Ecumenical Spirituality — This ideal of the Legion of Good Will is present in all its socio-educational actions, since it is understood as “the cradle of the most generous values that come from the Soul, the home of emotions and of reason illuminated by intuition, the environment that encompasses everything that transcends the common field of matter and is derived from the sublimated human feeling, such as Truth, Mercy, Morality, Ethics, Honesty and Brotherly Love.” A passage taken from the book É Urgente Reeducar! [It is Urgent to Re-educate!], which is the fundament of the LBV’s educational proposal, written by educator Paiva Netto, the author of various best-sellers who has sold more than 4.7 million books in Brazil and abroad.

Version: Rob Dinham
Revision: Rosana Bertolin